Three races in and one BIG ONE to go.
As of last weekend Florida 70.3, Buffalo Springs 70.3 and Racine 70.3 are in the rearview mirror and Kona is on the horizon. This year has gone fairly well so far as I met my goal of qualifying for the Ironman World Championships and placed respectively well in the overall of each of the races I have competed in. There have been some disappointments like being beaten by 10 seconds at Buffalo Springs for overall amatuer and botching my nutrition last weekend at Racine but that is part of racing and these are things that we need to be reminded of occasionally so we don't make the same mistakes the next time.
My training has taken a back seat for the last few weeks and I am getting ready to dial it up again soon. I put on a few pounds from the pizza, burgers and Mickey's pancakes I've been eating but that's why we do this, isn't it?