Saturday, December 20, 2008

And then there was SNOW!

Yesterday I woke up to about 12 inches of the white powdery stuff they call snow. I'm not a huge fan. 'Why do you live in Wisconsin then?' Good question. I didn't choose to be born here, it just happened that way. Besides the summers are too good not to suffer through 4...wait, 5...wait, 6 months of bad weather. I digress.
The snow is really quite pretty but it belongs on the top of a mountain somewhere in the Rockies not littering the streets and sidewalks I like to run on. Enough complaining about the snow.
Since I'm not running outside and the pool I frequent is closed for locker room repairs I am reduced to Computrainer workouts. I say 'reduced' in the most grateful way possible. I'm sure plenty of people out there would love to be spending their winter bike workouts on a Computrainer they got for free. I love my Computrainer....back to my workouts. Friday was supposed to be 2 hours with the first a steady state Zone 2 effort and the second hour progressive hard efforts above anaerobic threshold. I ended up blowing up 45 min into the second hour. I told myself it was too early in the off-season to be killing myself and opted for a bowl of ice cream instead. Today was a little less painful just 2 hours with over half of it at my AeT (aerobic threshold.) I was impressed with the wattage I was able to maintain at AeT for almost the whole workout. Near the end the HR started to creep up so I had to back off. Good signs for the coming season. Now if only the snow would all melt and I could get some running in. Wait is it going to be -10 degrees tomorrow? Cool! (no pun intended)

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